Modular Plastic Chain Conveyor Systems
Adaptable and resourceful modular plastic belt conveyors
Automation Supplies Ltd bring the widest range of quality yet economical modular belt conveyors and plastic
belted conveyor belts to you, better than any other UK suppliers or manufacturers and at very competitive
prices. With 100's of options based on different models, designs of belts, drives, stands and side
guides manufactured to high specifications and supplied to
you on time, we now offer all our modular plastic belt conveyor systems on a worldwide basis.
Modular plastic chain "Table top" type conveyors.
The wider modular plastic chain conveyors or "Table top" conveyors as sometimes
described use hinged connected plastic plates to act as the belt surface to convey products. These
conveyors provide a more stable conveyance in some instances than belt conveyors or roller conveyors. Again
these conveyors can incline, decline and bend in one run from one drive. Generally however, friction is higher
than the narrower belts so although weights on the belt can be higher, the motors need to be generally more
powerful. We can of course help you assess if this is the right system for you.
Traditionally, if you have a long, wide belt conveyor run with bends and inclines along the way, this would mean
separate drives for each bend and each incline or decline. Not any more with these highly adaptable
When choosing any modular plastic chain based conveyor system there are many things to consider, but we can help
you find the right conveyor system to meet your needs.
From small and low profile models right up to specially designed heavy duty versions, our expertise
and experience will find the right conveying product for the job you need to do and help you pay less in the
process. Our delivery times are short and you can be assured of receiving quality equipment with the peace of mind
given by a full warranty.

Please feel
free to contact us at any time for a quote.

Our advice and friendly
technical help is free.