Dorner LPZ series belt conveyors
The versatile aluminium framed incline conveyor system

Dorner LPZ elevating conveyors.
Dorner offers a variety of conveyors capable of
Z-frame configurations. Z-Frame conveyors are used to elevate products or
to lower products if run the opposite way. We offer Dorner Z-frame conveyors with both aluminium and stainless steel
construction, covering industries from packaging and assembly, to food processing.
Loads up
to 455 kg
Belt speeds
to 183 m/min
widths: 95 mm to 1,219 mm
lengths: 1,829 mm to 30,175 mm
Adjustable angle
on some models, 0˚ to 35˚
Centre and end
drive models available
Cross cleated and sidewall cleats possible
Applications & Benefits
horizontal to incline, Z frame and walk-thru configurations available
five-minute belt change possible
Adjustable angle
frames on some models conform to applications
Rack and pinion
belt tensioning for fast, accurate reliable single point belt tensioning
V-groove bed
plate with guided belt provides positive belt tracking, even under some demanding side load
Strong, construction resists damaging frame twist
Stand mounting
brackets and return belt rollers easily re-positioned along the frame
Two T-Slots are
present on each side for easy mounting of pre-engineered accessories

Design and specify your own Dorner belt
The new
Dorner D-Config software helps you to specify your Dorner
conveyor belt. Select the right conveyor type. Provides descriptions and part numbers. Build your
conveyors with stands, drives, side guides. Create 2D and 3D CAD files and PDF based designs. Use
the above details to request a quote.
It's quick and easy to do......Try it
feel free to contact us at any time for a quote.

Our advice and friendly
technical help is free.