Low Profile Modular Plastic Chain Conveyors
Light duty modular plastic conveyor systems.
Automation Supplies Ltd bring the widest range of quality yet economical low profile modular belt conveyors and
conveyor belts to you. With 100's of options based on different models, designs of belts, drives,
stands and side guides manufactured to high specifications
and supplied to you on time, we now offer all our modular plastic belt conveyor systems on a worldwide
We offer 2 low profile modular plastic belt conveyor options for you as below, our expertise and experience will
find the right conveying product for the job you need to do and help you pay less in the process. Our delivery
times are short and you can be assured of receiving quality equipment with the peace of mind given by a full

We are confident about our key three quality,
choice and value for money principles. Check out our options for modular conveyors and modular plastic belt
conveyor systems with your existing supplier or manufacturer and see how we can provide you
with quality handling products at very competitive prices and then manufacture and supply them to you