Incline belt conveyors - Elevating belt conveyors
Conveyor belts for inclining and declining products in processes
Options based on different models, designs of belts, drives, stands and side
guides manufactured to high specifications and supplied to
you on time, we offer all our elevator conveyor belt systems with a full
Inclined belt conveyors or elevators are used to bring products from one level to another via a hinged or
flexible belt. Products can be controlled by cleats on the belt during elevation, and kept on the belt by flights
or side rail systems.
Some designs have adjustable angles of incline, but some elevating conveyors have fixed angles of incline.
Commonly known as "Swan Neck" or "elevator" conveyors, these conveyor systems are supplied with either a PVC
belt or modular plastic belting. Also available is a metal modular or "Piano Hinge" belt for higher temperature
products or products with sharp edges.
Please feel
free to contact us at any time for a quote.
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technical help is free.